Spatial configuration and their impacts on real estate prices and city behaviors

Presented at NetSci2019


This research work was presented at NetSci2019If you are interested in collaborating on further directions or just discussing these ideas leave something in the comments or send a message.

“Spatial configurations” are attributes which take account of other relations in a complex. Space syntax is a set of theories and techniques suggesting that spatial configuration exerts a powerful influence on human behaviour: the way that places are connected to each other is directly related to the way that people move, interact and transact. It provides a set of theories and approaches to analyse spatial configurations, including transportation networks. A transportation network can be interpreted as a graph, and analyzed with algorithms from network science, particularly closeness centrality and betweenness centrality.

Cities, similar to living organisms that evolve and adapt, have organized complexity. Social, economic and infrastructure systems are deeply connected. Comprehending the urban dynamics is essential for building prosperous, vibrant and sustainable cities, enhancing public policy and improving business decisions. The main purpose of this study is to explore spatial configuration and its application in a real-world scenario. The case study focuses on “Caxias do Sul”, a city of 500,000 people in the south of Brazil. The phenomena studied are related to real estate, population and the dynamics of urban economics.

Link for the poster.

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